About Us

We are a Saudi company specializing in IT-Information
techno logy , Data Networking , Communications ,Telephone,
Security, Fire Safety, Building Management System BMS
,Video Management, CCTV, Access Control, Parking, Public
Address , Sound, Home Theater and other ELV Low Current
Systems .
Since its inception we have expanded not only our field of
expertise but also our geographical arena to become a truly
Expertise and dedication, our vision is to bring the latest
in technology to our customers reach by providing the latest
technologies in low current systems hardware and software
installation and methodology.
Through the cooperation and partnerships with
well-recognized international companies,last vision and
partners have the expertise to execute various types of
projects ,whether small or large scale projects.
Obliges our self to provide its clients with assurance and
quality control procedures to fulfill its obligations and
dedication in providing the highest quality services to their